St Piran’s Day

The 5th March is known as St Piran’s day in Cornwall, but who was he? St. Piran is known as the merriest, hardest drinking, hardest living holy man Cornwall ever knew. He is also the patron saint of tinners, and his feast day used to be kept as a holiday in the parishes of Perranzabuloe […]

Flying ant day

Each summer, there comes a moment when we suddenly notice that the ground is crawling with large winged ants that seem to swarm in vast numbers. So what causes this simultaneous taking to the air, and is there really such a thing as flying ant day?  What are flying ants? Flying ants are known as […]

A potted history of Trevillett Mill

Trevillett Mill derives its name from the Trevillett River that flows by and for centuries has powered its impressive water wheel and its proximity to Trevillett, a hamlet located within the parish of Tintagel. Trevillett Mill from the south Situated in the picturesque Rocky Valley, a short hop downstream are the ruins of Trewethet Mill (a […]

‘Buck’ Supermoon

Stargazers are in for a treat tonight with a supermoon predicted – assuming there aren’t too many clouds. July 3 2023 is set to be the date when the lunar surface will be the biggest yet this year from the earth. Tonight’s full Buck supermoon will be visible Monday, 3 July 2023 in the UK […]

Tick numbers on the rise

Ticks are becoming much more common now across large parts of England, particularly in woodlands, along woodland edges, on heathland and moorland and in some grassland sites. Their numbers are increasing largely due to the increase in deer numbers. Reports from the public about ticks in gardens are also increasing. With deer moving into urban areas and […]